So lets tackle the last bit first. A marketing agency with too much time in its hands, conducted a survey between 1,000 Americans on their bathroom habits, and specifically those related to the use of mobile phones while in the bathroom. It seems the old newspaper is on the outs in the bathroom as well, as people turn to their smartphones to kill time during those urgent moments. From the individuals asked, 74 percent of men and 76 percent of women fessed up to using their mobile phones in the bathroom — we would guess that the rest were simply lying.
63 percent have answered a phone call, 41 percent initiated one, 67 percent read a text and 38 percent surfed the web. Now that you have this wealth of knowledge in your hands, the next bit of info is that bathroom use is high for Android users at 87 percent, BlackBerry users at 84 percent and 77 percent for iPhone users. The moral of the story, you’re not alone.
Now the next bit of info is even more raunchy. has done a study, we would guess so that people like us would blog about it, and of course segregated love-seekers into the basic three categories: Android, iPhone and BlackBerry users. It would seem that all good Windows Phone owners are already taken.
The Earth can continue rotating around its axis because yes there are subtle differences between the three groups. 62 percent of Android users say they’ve gone all the way on the first date, compared to 57 percent for iPhone and 48 percent for BlackBerry users. BlackBerry users also apparently can’t stay away from alcohol, with 72 percent drinking an alcoholic beverage during their first date.