Public service announcement: European HP TouchPad and Pre 3 pre-firesale customers please claim your refund
Many of you were able to purchase the TouchPad at bottom prices, but what about the early adopters which found that their weeks old WebOS tablet, had dropped in value by multiples.
Well TouchPad and Pre 3 owners in the UK, France, Germany and Ireland can claim big refunds on their WebOS devices, provided they were activated before August 23rd. The refund that can be claimed is the initial price paid minus the fire sale price. For example, 16GB Touchpad owners can claim the difference between their purchase price and GBP89 in the UK or EUR99 in France, Germany and Ireland. Refunds are of-course also aplicable for 32GB and 64GB TouchPads and the Pre 3. More information can be found on HP’s Refund Program micro-site after the break.
The offer seems to be only available to customers in these four countries, at least for now.
HP is said to produce another run of HP TouchPads to satisfy US fire sale orders that were left hanging when the tablet was quickly sold-out. Europe is not yet said to join-in this second round of joy.
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